Section 38 – Proposed Traffic Calming on Public Road R-582 at Gurteenroe, Millstreet Road, Macroom, County Cork.
Cork County Council
Road Traffic Act 1994
Proposed Traffic Calming on Public Road R-582 at
Gurteenroe, Millstreet Road, Macroom, County Cork.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994, Cork County Council hereby gives notice of its intention to introduce traffic calming measures on the R-582-369 at Gurteenroe, Millstreet Road, Macroom, Co. Cork. The works will include the following:
• Installation of pedestrian crossing and traffic lights.
• Alterations to existing footpath and kerblines adjoining the crossing.
• Installation of bollards on the footpath adjacent to the crossing.
• and all associated works.
Drawings and particulars of the proposed project are available for inspection:
1. online on the Cork County Council website by going to…;
2. Cork County Council, Macroom Municipal District Office, Town Hall, Macroom, Co. Cork, P12 YX48
and may be inspected during normal offices hours from Monday 16th October 2023 to Friday 17th November 2023 inclusive.
Submissions regarding the proposal may be made by email to:
or writing to the:
• Senior Executive Engineer, Macroom Municipal District Office, Town Hall, Macroom P12 YX48.
on or before 5 pm on Friday 17th November 2023.
Please include the Section 38 project title (as per the above notice) on all submissions and correspondence sent to Cork County Council relating to this project. It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act applies to all records held by Cork County Council.
Director of Services
12th October 2023