North Cork Business Community Connect at Speed Networking Event in Fermoy

A group of people standing opposite each other on a long table taking part in a Speed Networking event.

The business community of North Cork recently gathered for an innovative networking event in Fermoy Community Youth Centre. The Event was organised by Cork County Council’s Local Enterprise Office Cork North & West in association with the NRG Business Support Group.

Sharon Corcoran, Director of Services, Economic Development, Enterprise and Tourism, welcomed everyone to the Event and detailed the array of supports available to businesses by the Local Enterprise Office.  A new approach to networking, the event highlighted how to make Artificial Intelligence work for business.

Chair of the NRG Business Group in Fermoy, Karen Roche, outlined in detail how the group operates. Damien Mulley, a technology, and digital marketing strategist gave a presentation on Chat GPT and showcased real world examples of its benefits and how to utilise it to give business an advantage.

The event also gave participants an opportunity to network and promote their services and products.   Theresa Mulvihill from Smart Marketing facilitated ‘Speed Networking’, where business representatives had a chance to promote their business while making new connections.

The Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Frank O’Flynn said,

Our LEO Offices offer tremendous support and guidance to businesses.  This speed working event is a unique opportunity to make numerous new business connections in a short time frame. The programme also gives an insight into new technology available, which will help grow and improve their business.  I look forward to seeing all the businesses thrive and serve as inspiration to future entrepreneurs.

Chief Executive of Cork County Council Valerie O’Sullivan added,

This is one of a series of Networking events our LEO offices have run and has received very possible feedback to date. We endeavour to seek out new and innovative ideas to support businesses. We remain focused on providing a range of programmes that will suit everyone’s requirements. We wish all the businesses taking part the best of luck in their future careers.

If you wish to book a place on any of the Local Enterprise Office Training Programmes, book your place at