Do Not Swim Notice Lifted for Warren Beach

Following comprehensive follow-up monitoring by Cork County Council’s Environment Directorate, and in consultation with HSE, the Prohibition Notice (Not to Swim) has been lifted at Warren Beach (Cregane), Rosscarbery.

Final test results made available today, Friday 19th of July, show that the water quality at Warren Beach has been restored to excellent status.

The decision made to re-open Warren Beach was made based on solid scientific data from Cork County Council’s accredited laboratory in Inniscarra, as well as on the professional advice from its staff, and from colleagues in the HSE.

When water quality is affected at County Cork beaches the Council may have to take steps to advise or prohibit the public from entering the bathing waters. This is done for the purposes of public health, the protection of which is its top priority. However, the Council also recognises that the many beautiful beaches along our coast are of vital importance to the local communities and to local business. The Council makes every effort to determine as soon as possible when a bathing water is again safe to use.

For up-to-date information visit