Notice to Mariners No. 13 of 2024

Notice to Mariners
No. 13 of 2024

To all ship owners, shipmasters, agents, fishing vessels, pleasure craft users, seafarers, fishery organisations and general port users.

The League, Reen Pier, Castletownshend Harbour

The League Anti-Dumping Initiative 2024

In the interest of environmental protection and safety to persons, a cleanup of this area will be carried out by Cork County Council on the 24th of September 2024 pursuant to the statutory powers available to it. 

All items which in the opinion of Cork County Council pose a risk to public safety or damage to the environment will be tagged with a red or orange tag and should be removed safely by their owners by the above date.

Any vessel with a yellow tag that owners wish to leave on the league will need to be recorded by Cork County Council prior to the above date.

Where the instructions on the tags are not complied with, the Council may remove and /or dispose of these items and recover any associated costs from the owner.

For further information please contact quoting the notice number affixed to your property item.

Issued: 05/09/2024

Garrett O'Mahony

Máistir Cuain/Harbour Master

Reen Pier, in Castletownshend Harbour