Cork County Council Seeks Public Engagement on Midleton Flood Relief Scheme
The Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Danny Collins is encouraging the people of Midleton and surrounding areas to have their say at the upcoming Midleton Flood Relief Scheme Public Participation Day which takes place on July 28th. The East Cork town has been severely and repeatedly impacted by major flood events over the past 30 years, with 400 homes and 180 businesses currently at serious risk of flooding during future events.
Cork County Council, working with the Office of Public Works, commissioned Arup to develop a viable, sustainable and cost-effective Flood Relief Scheme for the Midleton Area. It is designed to withstand a 1 in 100 year rainfall flood event as well as 1 in 200 year tidal flooding.
An Emerging Preferred Option has now been identified, taking into account public feedback received in 2020, and Cork County Council is now seeking additional public engagement. The open day will be held in the Midleton Park Hotel on Thursday July 28th from 2.00pm to 8.00pm
Mayor Collins is hoping as many people as possible will attend, saying,
Chief Executive of Cork County Council Tim Lucey added,
The Emerging Preferred Option includes upstream storage, public realm works, direct defences and groundwater control measures. It takes various constraints and opportunities that exist in Midleton into account and allows for integration of the scheme with various other Cork County Council schemes.