Funding Approved for 105 Artists and Arts Organisations for 2022

Cork County Council has announced the allocation of over €140,000 in funding through its 2022 Arts Grants Scheme. Following a second difficult year for the county’s arts sector, the funding provided to 105 artists and arts organisations in this year’s scheme will help to further revitalise the county’s arts sector.

The Council’s Arts Grants Scheme is designed to support events, activities and new initiatives that enhance public access to the arts and support cultural development in all eight of the county’s Municipal Districts. The scheme supports arts for older people, community arts, crafts, dance, disability access projects in the arts, festivals, literature, music theatre, visual and youth arts.

Welcoming the announcement, the Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Gillian Coughlan said, 

“Over the past two years, we have seen the devastating effects of the pandemic on the social and cultural life of our communities. The wide range of proposals received from arts organisations around the county is very heartening and demonstrates a desire to help our citizens reconnect with each other through participation and engagement in arts and cultural activities. The funding allocated will enable festivals, artists and voluntary arts organisations to deliver projects that will have a real impact. It will assist in the revitalisation of social life in our local communities, putting art at the heart of our lives in 2022.”

The Arts Grant Scheme supports the work of individual artists, with 21 bursaries and residencies set to be awarded to individual creative artists this year. The 2022 scheme will also support arts projects in schools, allowing 8 schools to employ artists to work with young people in the school environment. 

Cork County Council is one of the few local authorities in the country that has a specific scheme supporting arts projects that promote the use of the Irish language, by encouraging arts organisations and artists to develop creative projects that are Irish Language based. This year support will be given to a new project proposed by the First Cut film Festival in Youghal that will encourage young people to submit films in Irish.

Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Tim Lucey highlighted the role of the Council in ensuring that enjoyment of the arts is accessible to all citizens, 

“Our aim is to see the arts thrive and in turn to ensure that all our citizens have the opportunity to enjoy and use creativity in their lives. The experience of the past two years has shown the importance of creativity for personal wellbeing.  In particular, we are pleased to support organisations that promote inclusion in the arts such as those working with the elderly, new communities, young people and those with special needs.   Arts funding will help these organisations deliver great experiences for all sections of society.”

List of organisations approved for Cork County Arts Grants Funding 2022

Tá leithdháileadh de bhreis is €140,000 fógartha ag Comhairle Contae Chorcaí trína Scéim Deontas Ealaíon 2022. Tar éis bliain dheacair eile d’earnáil ealaíon an chontae, cabhróidh an maoiniú a chuirtear ar fáil do 105 ealaíontóir agus eagraíocht ealaíon i scéim na bliana seo le hathbheochan a dhéanamh ar earnáil ealaíon an chontae.

Tá Scéim Deontas Ealaíon na Comhairle deartha chun tacú le himeachtaí, gníomhaíochtaí agus tionscnaimh nua a fheabhsaíonn rochtain an phobail ar na healaíona agus a thacaíonn le forbairt chultúrtha sna hocht gCeantar Bhardasach sa chontae. Tacaíonn an scéim le healaíona do dhaoine scothaosta, ealaíona pobail, ceardaíocht, rince, tionscadail rochtana míchumais sna healaíona, féilte, litríocht, amharclannaíocht ceoil, amharcealaíona agus ealaín óige.

Ag fáiltiú roimh an bhfógra, dúirt  Méara Chontae Chorcaí, an Clr. Gillian Coughlan,

“Le dhá bhliain anuas tá iarmhairtí uafásacha na paindéime feicthe againn ar shaol sóisialta agus cultúrtha ár bpobail. Is ábhar misnigh é an raon leathan moltaí a fuarthas ó eagraíochtaí ealaíon ar fud an chontae agus léiríonn sé fonn cabhrú lenár saoránaigh athcheangal lena chéile trí rannpháirtíocht i ngníomhaíochtaí ealaíon agus cultúrtha. Cuirfidh an maoiniú a leithdháiltear ar chumas féilte, ealaíontóirí agus eagraíochtaí deonacha ealaíon tionscadail a sheachadadh a mbeidh fíorthionchar acu. Cabhróidh sé le hathbheochan an tsaoil shóisialta inár bpobail áitiúla, ag cur an ealaín i gcroílár ár saoil in 2022.”

Tacaíonn an Scéim Deontais Ealaíon le hobair ealaíontóirí aonair, agus tá 21 sparánacht agus cónaitheacht le bronnadh ar ealaíontóirí cruthaitheacha aonair i mbliana. Tacóidh scéim 2022 freisin le tionscadail ealaíon i scoileanna, rud a ligfidh do 8 scoil ealaíontóirí a fhostú chun oibriú le daoine óga i dtimpeallacht na scoile.

Tá Comhairle Contae Chorcaí ar cheann den bheagán údarás áitiúil sa tír a bhfuil scéim faoi leith acu a thacaíonn le tionscadail ealaíon a chuireann úsáid na Gaeilge chun cinn, trí eagraíochtaí ealaíon agus ealaíontóirí a spreagadh chun tionscadail chruthaitheacha a fhorbairt atá bunaithe ar an nGaeilge. I mbliana tabharfar tacaíocht do thogra nua atá beartaithe ag Féile scannán First Cut in Eochaill a spreagfaidh daoine óga scannáin i nGaeilge a chur isteach.

D’aibhsigh Príomhfheidhmeannach Chomhairle Contae Chorcaí, Tim Lucey, ról na Comhairle maidir lena chinntiú go mbíonn sult as na healaíona inrochtana do gach saoránach, 

“Is é an aidhm atá againn ná na healaíona a fheiceáil faoi bhláth agus a chinntiú go mbíonn an deis ag ár saoránaigh go léir taitneamh a bhaint as cruthaitheacht agus í a úsáid ina saol. Léirigh taithí an dá bhliain seo caite an tábhacht a bhaineann le cruthaitheacht don fholláine phearsanta. Tá áthas orainn go háirithe tacaíocht a thabhairt d’eagraíochtaí a chuireann cuimsiú sna healaíona chun cinn ar nós iad siúd a oibríonn le daoine scothaosta, pobail nua, daoine óga agus daoine a bhfuil riachtanais speisialta acu. Cabhróidh maoiniú ealaíon leis na heagraíochtaí seo eispéiris iontacha a sholáthar do gach cuid den tsochaí.”

List of organisations approved for Cork County Arts Grants Funding 2022