The Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Gillian Coughlan leads trade and tourism delegation to the US

The Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Gillian Coughlan has visited the city of Chicago in Cook County Illinois with a trade delegation from Cork County. One of the highlights of a hectic visit was a meeting with Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle.  Cork County and Cook County signed a Sister County Agreement in July 1999, which has gone on to become the longest agreement in Cook County.  The aim of the agreement is to foster economic, commercial and cultural links between both counties.  The delegation also discussed local government best practice and ideas on how the two counties could collaborate further.  

“The sister agreement between Cork County and Cook County is an example of how fostering positive relationships with local governments around the world benefits both Cook County and its partners” said President Preckwinkle.  “We have much to learn from one another and we look forward to continuing to foster and cultivate connections between the counties we call home.”

Mayor Coughlan went on to say, "The 23 year Cork County Cook County agreement is the longest standing agreement of its type in Cook County, testament to the level of success and investment from agencies on both sides. It’s economic, tourism and cultural objectives have proven enormously successful in terms of promoting Cork County as a place to do business in and visit. I look forward to continuing to embed and develop the already wonderful relationships we have made on both sides and am confident that the next 23 years will be a true example of international relationship building. I am confident that, building on this firm foundation, this partnership will be an exemplar of local authority led international economic diplomacy."

During the visit to Chicago, Mayor Coughlan also met with representatives from the IDA, Enterprise Ireland and the Consul General of Ireland to Chicago Kevin Byrne. The Mayor also visited the Irish American Heritage Centre and Mercy Homes which supports children and families in need.  One of the highlights of the trip was the delegation’s participation in the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade in Chicago which returned to a live event after a two year absence.  Watched by millions and featuring a special TV interview, Mayor Coughlan took the opportunity to highlight all that is great about Cork County, encouraging viewers to make their way to Ireland and see for themselves.

“The warmth and hospitality shown to me by the people of Cook County has been incredible.  Chicago is a city with a vibrant Irish community and a wealth of economic opportunities for individuals, companies and of course Cork County.  Business is built around relationships and I have seen first-hand how by capitalising on the opportunities around St. Patrick’s Day we can truly open doors for our much-valued economic community but also showcase the immense tourism offering we have.  No other country in the world is afforded such a worldwide platform that is St. Patrick’s Day, which demonstrates just how the people of Ireland are both welcomed as a nation on a global stage but also how we welcome those from near and far, not only on St. Patrick’s Day but every day.  A quality that is needed now more than ever.   Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit!”