Launch of the Fermoy Municipal District Streetscape, Painting, Signage and Improvement Scheme 2023

The Fermoy Municipal District Chairperson, Cllr. Noel McCarthy launched the Fermoy MD Streetscape, Painting, Signage and Improvement Scheme 2023 on Wednesday the 24th  of May in the Town Hall, Fermoy, in the company of the Fermoy Municipal District elected Members.

The scheme will include the towns of Mitchelstown and Fermoy. This year it is also being extended to include the villages of Doneraile, Glanworth, Killavullen and Rathcormac.

Anyone interested in availing of this scheme should contact Fermoy Municipal District Offices, Town Hall, Fermoy for further details. Closing date for applications is Friday the 23rd of June at 4 pm.

Tel: (025) 31155

Email: [email protected]