Kanturk Chosen for Town Centre First Regeneration Plan

Town and Village Renenwal Scheme 2024

Kanturk has been announced as one of 26 towns nationally to benefit from a Town Centre First Plan. Funding of €30,000 has been granted to Cork County Council for the development of the plan as part of the Government’s national Town Centre First Policy initiative.

The Town Centre First policy represents a joint strategy by the Department of Rural and Community Development, in collaboration with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; to tackle vacancy and dereliction, drive future development and breathe new life into town centres. 

Welcoming the announcement of Kanturk as part of the second phase of Town Centre First Plans, Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn said

 I am delighted that Kanturk is set to benefit from this fund. Town Centre First Plans provide the community with an opportunity to shape the future of their town. It can contain proposals for a diverse range of projects such as redeveloping derelict sites, creating community parks and walkways, boosting business and tourism potential and protecting historical landmarks. This has the potential to be truly transformative, paving the way for newly revitalised town centres, thriving communities and economic growth for generations to come.


Town Centre First supports the objectives of the national rural development policy ‘Our Rural Future’ in revitalising rural towns and engages communities through “Town Teams”. Every town is different, and so local visions take account of these unique challenges, needs and opportunities.

Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Valerie O’Sullivan noted that 

Kanturk is the second town in Cork County to benefit from the initiative, with Skibbereen’s ‘Town Centre First Regeneration Plan’ due to be launched shortly following months of extensive public consultation. Cork County Council’s dedicated Town Regeneration Office will now work to assemble a ‘Town Team’ for Kanturk to guide this exciting plan to development process over the coming months. The input of the local community is key to the success of these projects to ensure a shared vision that is unique to each town.

Following the announcement of Town Centre First funding supports by Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, Cork County Council is also inviting Expressions of Interest for projects identified by Town Teams and local communities that will assist in regenerating their towns. 

Selection of projects under the ‘Town and Village Renewal Scheme – Project Development Measures 2024’ will be by means of a competitive process. Cork County Council can submit two applications to a value of €50,000 each to the Department of Rural and Community Development.  Development of projects must be undertaken in consultation with the Town Regeneration Office of Cork County Council, the local town/village community and business interests.

The Expression of Interest form and further information on the Town and Village Renewal Scheme is available by clicking the button below. 

The closing date for completed Expression of Interest forms is 5.00pm on Wednesday the 20th of March 2024. Forms can be emailed to townandvillagerenewal@corkcoco.ie or posted to Town Regeneration Office, Cork County Council, Floor 11, County Hall, Cork, T12R2NC.