Cork County Council Launches Plan for Economic and Community Development

3 people holding plans

The Cork County Local Economic and Community Plan 2024-2030 has been formally adopted by the Elected Members of Cork County Council. The plan provides a framework for how Cork County Council itself, and in partnership with stakeholders, will promote and support the economic and community development of the county over the next 6 years.  

This Plan sets out a series of High-Level Goals representing the specific vision that Cork County Council wishes to achieve, these include sustainable, resilient and empowered communities and places; a socially inclusive county; a healthy and active county; a low carbon and climate resilient county that protects biodiversity and the environment; a county that supports enterprise and a smart and innovative county.

Mayor of the County of Cork Cllr Frank O’Flynn highlighted the collaborative effort between Cork County Council, its economic and community stakeholders and the citizens of Cork County in the development of the plan, 

As we unveil this comprehensive roadmap which will guide us through the challenges and opportunities presented over the next six years, I am reminded of the strength that lies in the power of collaboration. The input and participation of Elected Members, economic and community stakeholders and the citizens of Cork County throughout this process demonstrates our shared vision and aspiration to promote the development of our county as an attractive, competitive and sustainable place to live, visit and do business.


Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Valerie O’Sullivan added,

 The development of the Cork County Local Economic and Community Plan has been based on a wide-ranging database of quantifiable socio and economic data and extensive public and stakeholder engagement to ensure it is robust and effective.  This will provide Cork County Council and our economic and community stakeholders with a framework to support the sustainable development of our county. From the outset, we have recognised that this is not just a plan for Cork County Council, but for us as a Local Authority working alongside our economic and community stakeholders.  This is reflected in the key role that our Advisory Group, Local Community Development Committees and Strategic Policy Committee have played in guiding the plan throughout its development and all will play a key role in its implementation.

The Cork County Local Economic and Community Plan 2024-2030 is available to view in the link at the bottom of this news item.

Seolann Comhairle Contae Chorcaí Plean d’Fhorbairt Eacnamaíochta agus Pobail

Tá glactha go foirmiúil ag Baill Tofa Chomhairle Contae Chorcaí le Plean Áitiúil Eacnamaíochta agus Pobail 2024-2030 Chontae Chorcaí. Leagtar amach sa phlean creat don bhealach a ndéanfaidh Comhairle Contae Chorcaí, i gcomhar le páirtithe leasmhara, forbairt eacnamaíochta agus pobail an chontae a chur chun cinn agus tacú leis sna 6 bliana amach romhainn.

Leagtar amach sa Phlean sraith Spriocanna Árdleibhéil a fhreagraíonn don fhís shainiúil ar mian le Comhairle Contae Chorcaí é a bhaint amach, áirítear orthu seo pobail agus áiteanna inbhuanaithe, seasmhacha agus cumasaithe; contae atá cuimsitheach go sóisialta; contae sláintiúil agus gníomhach, contae ísealcharbóin atá seasmhach ó thaobh na haeráide de agus a chosnaíonn an bhithéagsúlacht agus as timpeallacht; contae a thacaíonn le fiontraíocht agus contae cliste agus nuálaíoch.

Chuir Méara Chontae Chorcaí an Clr Frank O’Flynn béim ar gcomhoibriú idir Comhairle Contae Chorcaí, a páirtithe leasmhara eacnamaíochta agus pobail agus muintir Chontae Chorcaí agus an plean á fhorbairt, 

Agus an treoir chuimsitheach seo á seoladh againn a chuideoidh linn aghaidh a thabhairt ar na dúshláin agus ar na deiseanna a bheidh romhainn sna sé bliana amach romhainn, cuimhním ar an neart a bhaineann le cur le chéile. Léiríonn ionchur agus rannpháirtíocht na mBall Tofa, ma bpáirtithe leasmhara eacnamaíochta agus pobail agus mhuintir Chontae Chorcaí le linn an phróisis seo ar bhfís chomhroinnt agus ár mian ár gcontae a chur chun cinn mar áit tharraingteach, iomaíoch agus inbhuanaithe le cónaí ann, le cuairt a thabhairt air agus le dul i mbun gnó.


Dúirt Príomhfheidhmeannach Comhairle Contae Chorcaí, Valerie O’Sullivan, 

Bunaíodh forbairt Phlean Áitiúil Eacnamaíochta agus Pobail Chontae Chorcaí ar bhunachar cuimsitheach sonraí inchainníochtaithe agus rannpháirtíocht fhorleathan ó thaobh an phobal agus na bpáirtithe leasmhara de le cinntiú go bhfuil sé láidir agus éifeachtach. Cuirfidh sé seo creat ar fáil do Chomhairle Contae Chorcaí agus dár bpáirtithe leasmhara eacnamaíochta agus pobail chun tacú leis an bhforbairt inbhuanaithe inár gcontae. D’aithníomar ón tús nach plean é seo do Chomhairle Contae Chorcaí amháin, ach dúinne mar Údarás Áitiúil ag obair go dlúth lenár bpáirtithe leasmhara eacnamaíochta agus pobail. Tá sé seo le feiceáil sa ról lárnach a bhí ag an gCoiste Comhairleach, ag na Coistí Forbartha Pobail Áitiúil agus ag an gCoiste Polasaí Straitéiseach i stiúradh fhorbairt an phlean agus beidh ról fíorthábhachtach ag gach ceann acu ina chur i bhfeidhm.



Tá Plean Áitiúil Eacnamaíochta agus Pobail 2024-2030 Chontae Chorcaí ar fáil ar shuíomh gréasáin na Comhairle Contae.