Planning and Development

Cork County Development Plan 2014

Cork County Development Plan 2014

The Cork County Development Plan 2014 has been prepared in accordance with the steps set out in the Planning and Development Acts.

It was adopted by the Members of Cork County Council on the 8th December 2014 and comes into effect on 15th January 2015. It is expected to remain in force (subject to any interim variations that the Council may make) until late 2020.

It is a six-year development plan for the County that attempts to set out, as concisely as possible Cork County Council's current thinking on planning policy looking towards the horizon year of 2022. The plan also sets out the overall planning and sustainable development strategy for the county which must be consistent with the National Spatial Strategy 2002-2020 and the South West Regional Planning Guidelines 2010-2022.

This Development Plan is the county’s principle strategic planning policy document. Detailed land-use zoning maps for the main settlements of the county are contained in the Electoral Area Local Area Plans and the Special Local Area Plans.

Variations to the Cork County Development Plan 2014

Variation No.1 of the Cork County Development Plan, 2014 was adopted by the Council on the 12th of February 2018. 

Variation Number 2 of the Cork County Development Plan, 2014 was adopted by the Council on the 27th January 2020.  More details in relation to variations of the Cork County Development Plan are available on the following link

Section 31 – Ministers Draft Direction on Variation No. 2 of the Cork County Development Plan 2014 (Retail Outlet Centres)

On 6th March, 2020, the Minister for Housing and Urban Planning notified Cork County Council of his intention to issue a Direction pursuant to Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The draft Ministerial Direction relates to Variation No. 2 of the Cork County Development Plan 2014 (Retail Outlet Centres)

The Public Consultation Period relating to the draft Ministerial Direction ended on 27th May 2020.

In accordance with Section 31(8) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), a Chief Executives Report was prepared and was sent to the Elected Members, the Office of the Planning Regulator and the Minister for Housing and Urban Planning on 23rd June 2020.

Click on the link below to access information in relation to the Section 31 - Ministers Draft Direction including the Section 31(8) Chief Executives Report.

Click here to access the Cork County Development Plan 2014


Stage One

Background Documents

Stage Two

Stage 3

Proposed Amendments to the Draft County Development Plan 2013

Proposed Amendments to the Electoral Area Local Area Plans 2011

Additional Amendment No. 10.17

Stage Four

Section 31 Ministerial Direction

Variation One

Protect Structures Located Within the Transfer Area

See also Volume 4 CDP Maps.


Variation Two

Section 31 Ministerial Direction (Retail Outlet Centres)