Part 8 - Proposed Bantry Mill Culvert Upgrade Project, Bantry, Co. Cork
PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000 (as amended) –
REGULATIONS 2001 (as amended) - Part 8
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of Part XI, Section 179 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000 (as amended) and in accordance with the requirements of Part 8, Article 81 and Article 83 of the Planning & Development Regulations, 2001 (as amended) that Cork County Council proposes to carry out the following development:
Project Title
Proposed Bantry Mill Culvert Upgrade Project.
Location: Bridge Street, New Street and Wolfe Tone Square in Bantry, Co. Cork.
Project Area Townland: Town-lots, Bantry.
Nature and Extent of Development
The proposed development comprises of the following:
- Reconstruction of a new Mill River Culvert along Bridge Street and New Street and Wolfe Tone Square and connection to the existing Mill River Culvert at chainage 80m. This includes:
- A new Mill River Culvert of internal dimensions 5.2m wide,
1.5m high which will be constructed from tie in at Wolfe Tone Square, at Chainage 80m, to the Scart and Mill culvert overflow connection from William Street, at Chainage 242m. - A new Mill River Culvert of internal dimensions 3.6m wide,
1.5m high which will be constructed from William St. junction at Chainage 242m to the Mill on Bridge Street at Chainage 452m.
- A new Mill River Culvert of internal dimensions 5.2m wide,
- Connect to existing drainage/ services at William Street and Main Street.
- Repair/upgrade works to be carried out to the Mill River Culvert from Chainage 0 to 80m.
- Road and footpath reinstatement works.
- Removal and reinstatement of the central section of Wolf Tone Square architectural feature will be required to facilitate the tie in of the New Mill River culvert.
- A short extension (approximately 4m) of the Alley River culvert will be required so that it ties into the line of the new Mill River Culvert.
- Construction of new services and utilities including foul water drainage. Surface water drainage, watermain infrastructure, electricity and communications will be required at Wolfe Tone Square, New Street and Bridge Street.
- Including modifications to existing services including foul, surface water and services generally to facilitate the proposed scheme.
- Construction of 2 No. surface water pumping sumps in Wolfe Tone Square.
Offices at which plans and particulars may be Inspected
- Below ion the 'Document Summary' section.
- Area/Divisional Office: Cork County Council Roads Operations, Aras Beanntraí, The Square, Bantry, Co. Cork. P75 TD 82.
- Other Office: Cork County Council, County Hall Foyer, Carrigrohane Road, Cork, T12 R2NC.
The plans and particulars may be inspected as follows:
Plans and particulars of the proposed development are available for inspection, or to purchase for a fee of €15 per set, from 8th of November to the 6th of December 2024 at the following venues:
- Below ion the 'Document Summary' section.
- Cork County Council, County Hall Foyer, Carrigrohane Road, Cork, T12 R2NC [Between the hours of 09:00 to 16:00].
- Cork County Council Roads Operations, Aras Beanntraí, The Square, Bantry, Co. Cork. P75 TD 82 [Between the hours of 09:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 16:00].
Submissions or Observations
Submissions or Observations with respect to the proposed development may be made on or before 16:00 on 20th of December as follows:
- By clicking the 'Make a Submission or Observation' button below, or
- In writing, the letter should be headed: ‘Bantry Mill Culvert Upgrade Project” and be addressed to the “Senior Engineer, Cork County Council, Regional & Local Roads Design Office, Floor 10, County Hall, Carrigrohane Road, Cork, T12 R2NC” or emailed to [email protected]
As per Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening determination has been made and a determination has been made that an EIA Report is not required. In accordance with Article 120 (3), as amended by S.I. No. 296 of 2018, a person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice (8th November), apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment. Such a submission should be addressed to the Secretary, An Bord Pleanála, 64, Marlborough Street, Dublin, 1.
It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act applies to all records held by Cork County Council.
Director of Roads and Transportation,
Date 8th November 2024.
Personal Information may be collected by Cork County Council to enable the processing of your submission/ enquiry. Cork County Council can legally process this information as necessary to comply with its statutory/legal obligations. Such information will be processed in line with the Council’s privacy statement which is available at